Utawarerumono Wiki

Benawi (ベナウィ) was the Warmaster of Tuskur. Once the enemy of Hakuowlo in service to Kenashikourupe as its Samurai General, he surrendered and agreed to become the Warmaster of Tuskur's armies alongside Kurou.


Benawi wore a red cloak with white double trimming. Underneath his cloak were red, loose-fitting matching pants that also had white trimming and fell to just below his knees. He wore a large grey/white pauldrons on his shoulders and a very large navy blue collar. He wore brown fingerless gloves as well as brown bandages covering his legs. His shoes were grey armored boots. He carried around a large polearm, which he wielded effectively both in and out of the saddle of his noble steed, the white woptor Shishe.


Benawi had a strong sense of responsibility to his country that compelled him to defend it at all costs. He had a calm and logical personality, but was known to get irritated when Hakuowlo ignored his duties as a ruler. Benawi was able to remain calm in tough situations and was highly skilled in combat.


Benawi was once a mononofu of Kenashikourupe. When Hakuowlo's rebellion overtook Kenashikourupe, Benawi realized defeat and slew his liege, the owlo Inkalla, to spare him from possible torture and humiliation. Benawi then attempted suicide, but Hakuowlo stopped him, convincing Benawi to join his new nation. After the Great Sealing beneath Onkamiyamukai, Oboro passed the title of owlo to him before leaving to see the world. The two promised to meet again sometime.

By the period shortly prior to the Yamatan civil war he was serving as the Warmaster of Tuskur, with Oboro as its owlo, and easily defended his nation from the Yamatan invasion even when Munechika used her mask's powers against him.


Kurou - His right-hand man and fellow general, the two were close allies who fought together both in service to Kenashikourupe and then in service of the new country of Tuskur.

Hakuowlo - Enemy turned liege, Benawi held much respect for Hakuowlo during the rebellion and came to serve him when he became owlo. Whenever Hakuowlo took a break, it was Benawi's job to get irritated.

Oboro - Bitter rivals and fellow generals. They were once enemies, but Oboro was never a match for him in combat. When Oboro became owlo, Benawi became Warmaster once again, now of Tuskur, as he had once been Samurai General in Kenashikourupe.


  • Benawi is a distant relative of the legitimate royal lineage (Oboro’s family) This is the main reason he thinks Oboro should inherit the country in the game ending. He noticed Oboro's lineage when they first meet and which is why he let Oboro flee alive.[1]


