Utawarerumono Wiki

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Hakuowlo (ハクオロ) is the main character of Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen. Once an amnesiac man found heavily injured in a forest, he was healed by Eruruu and led a rebellion before becoming the owlo of Tuskur. After a series of battles to defend his new country against external threats, he rediscovered the secrets of his own past, including his true identity as Uitsualnemetia's good half, before merging with the darker half and becoming the god united. For years, Hakuowlo/Uitsualnemetia slept beneath Onkamiyamukai to prevent his other half from causing more havoc, during which time a shrine was built around with Eruruu as its caretaker. He then passed his mask and power over to Haku, becoming human in the process and leaving the shrine.

He was an expert tactician and wise ruler who won many battles against difficult odds. A peaceful man, he did not wish to make war with other countries but defended his home whenever it was invaded.


Hakuowlo is a tall and handsome man of slender build. He had dark eyes and dark blue hair that fell just above his shoulders. His clothing consisted mainly of a white Kimono with a blue trim, blue pants, and a pair of brown boots. He wore a strange and irremovable mask that appeared to be made of bone, distinguished by two horns and a marking on its brow.


Hakuowlo was usually very calm and collected. He didn't enjoy the paperwork attendant to rulership and often snuck away from his work for fresh air, much to Benawi's frustration. He could be very patient, especially with Oboro's tendency to act rashly and without thinking.

He was very kind and caring to those he considered as family. Having been saved by Eruruu, he was especially protective of her and her little sister, Aruruu. He is a kind ruler who thinks about the people first before making rash decisions.

He is brave and courageous in battles and even risk his own life to buy time so that the citizens can evacuate during Kunnekamun invasion. He also shows some cowardly behaviors such as the time when he broke Touka's doll and immediately began panicking. He did a poor instant repair on it only to be found by Oboro which made it worse. Oboro played around with the doll which fell apart in front of Touka causing him to become the scapegoat for breaking it. While Touka is busy pounding at Oboro, Hakuowlo pretended that he had nothing to do with it and walk away. He also tries to escape from responsibility when Yuzuha tells Eruruu about Hakuowlo "seeing" during their time in the village - which results with him getting a slap to the face.

He is usually calm and kind but once he's angered beyond his control, he will slaughter without mercy. Women and children do not make any difference to him, just as when he turn all of humanity into Tatari. He possesses a cold and sadistic behavior when he loses control like during the time when he found out that Mikoto was dissected. His godly power awakened and he leaves his victims with two options which are considered as wishes by him: Either get kill by him personally or become a curse for the rest of their life. He had the curse attack the people and he laughed while he forced them to tell him their wish which are the two choices. When Aruruu was killed by Hauenkua, Hakuowlo erupts with anger and despair which caused him to transform into his god-like form. After obliterating Hauenkua's units, he demands Hauenkua's life for the sin of killing Aruruu. Hakuowlo/Uitsualnemetia nearly succeeds killing him only to be stopped after seeing that Aruruu is still alive and well, and through that - coming back to his senses. His heart is filled with sadness and despair due to losing those that he loves which caused him to be emotionally unstable when he experiences personal loss.



The ancient fossil

Hakuowlo was originally an archaeologist in the time when humanity still lived on the surface. He was shot to death by his fellow archaeologist after finding out about the archaeologist's secret regarding the missing link at human DNA in the ancient fossil. Before his death, the fossilized entity asked him if he wanted to live, a proposal which Hakuowlo accepted. In this process, the ancient god entered Hakuowlo's body and fused with him. He fell asleep for many centuries.


Mikoto and her child

By the time Hakuowlo was reawakened, humanity had been driven underground, no longer able to survive on the surface. He was found frozen and named Iceman by the scientists who found him. Research on his body and the miraculous mask fused to it took the form of the Iceman Project, which led to huge but morally questionable leaps in scientific progress, such as the creation of the proxies and the conception of the Akuruka. He fell in love with a demihuman named Mikoto and bonded with another, Mutsumi, and ultimately with the help of a guilty Mizushima he led an escape of test subjects onto the surface.

Tragically, humanity's hubris was not to be dissuaded. A team of Abh-Kamus recaptured Hakuowlo and his family and dissected Mikoto, his wife, along with the couple's child, seeking more data to achieve immortality and return to the surface through his mask. Thus, as Iceman, it was Hakuowlo who unleashed the disaster upon humanity that left them effectively extinct.

In his rage, the archaeologist-god twisted his wish-granting power to revenge. Collectively, humanity wished for endless life, and Hakuowlo gave it to them without exception, but with the cruelest interpretation. The curse of the Tatari did not spread instantly, but it was inexorable and, ultimately, nigh-unavoidable. As the curse tore civilization apart, it tore apart Hakuowlo too.

Half of him was still consumed with rage, the other wracked with grief and guilt at the atrocity of his indiscriminate revenge. His contrite and exhausted side became the White God, while his vengeful feelings burned on in the Black God. The White God wished for someone to stop his own horrible revenge, even at the cost of destroying him, and Mutsumi tried to grant this wish.

The only known human survivors of this event are Haku and the Mikado. The former in stasis in another facility in the land that would become known as Kujyuri and the latter through unknown methods.

While the consequences of Mutsumi's firing of Amaterasu wreaked havoc on the planet, Uitsualnemetia fell into cycles of sleep and waking, during which his two halves took alternating control of the world until the Great War between the two Gods. This event happened when Tuskur was young. The humanoid races fought each other, half fought with the White God, and the other half with the Black God. Tuskur, Waabe (Onkamiyamukai’s owlo and Ulthury's father), and Oboro's grandfather fought along side with the White God. While Karulau’s father (Owlo of Larmanionu and the Giriyagina race), Genjimaru, and Kuuya’s father fought with the Black God.

In the war, Tuskur learned the name of The White God as "Hakuowlo". At the end, The White God was defeated and sealed, and the Black God continued to sleep. Wounded in battle and having lost almost all her allies, Tuskur wandered to Yamayura Village, and decided to stay there. Growing up and later blessed with child, whom she named Hakuowlo (Eruruu and Aruruu's father) as her respect to The White God.

Eruruu, Aruruu, Tusukuru

Before the series started, there was a big earthquake caused by Dii. The scholar Dii accidentally released the Dark God's seal, and end up fusing with him. The impact woke the White God from his sleep. The White God, wounded from the previous fight, appeared near Yamayura after hearing Eruruu's plea to save Aruruu's life. He made a pact to save Aruruu. After the pact, the God left them, and continued to wander. He fainted from his wound, the White God or Uitsualnemetia then transformed into human. Eruruu found the man and took him back to her house; whether it was from the desire to help the wounded man or the unconscious need to fulfill the pact, is unknown. Tuskur recognized immediately the wounded man as the White God, and discovered that he had lost his memories. She returned the name "Hakuowlo" to him.



Hakuowlo was first found in a forest by Eruruu, and by her was taken into Tuskur's care. As he awoke, he had no memories of himself and no identity. To that end, he decided to live with Tuskur. After slaying Mutikapa and saving the village, he was given the name Hakuowlo by Tuskur, after the old apothecary's son.

After discovering he was the embodiment of Uitsualnemetia's good half, he challenged Dii, the embodiment of the darker half, and emerged victorious by fusing with it, unifying the god. Afterward, he asked to be sealed away for a while to prevent any more damage to the world but promised Eruruu that he would see her again.

After being sealed for over a decade, if not more, he passed his mask to Haku to grant his wish to return to the world of the living, and asked him in exchange to save his daughter. In the epilogue of Mask of Truth, Hakuowlo walked out of the shrine with Eruruu's help as she told him that everyone is waiting for him. Hakuowlo in turn revealed that with his powers stripped, he was now nothing more than mere human.



Aruruu - Hakuowlo filled the role of the father figure in Aruruu's life. He was very soft on his adoptive daughter and cared greatly for her safety.

Tuskur - Took Hakuowlo in and healed him after he was found in the forest by Eruruu. She gave Hakuowlo her son's clothing and, as he did not know his name, gave him the one that had been her son's. On Tuskur's deathbed, Hakuowlo made a vow to take care of her granddaughters.

Eruruu - Eruruu is Hakuowlo's main love interest throughout the series. Initially, he saw her as a little sister much to her sadness. Over time, he discovered that Eruruu was Mikoto's reincarnation and fell in love with her.

Yuzuha - The two always enjoyed each other's company, and Hakuowlo visited her frequently. Though Hakuowlo fulfilled her wish to bear a child, the nature of his feelings for her were never made explicit.


He possessed high intelligence and vast knowledge. How much of this is attributable to his past as an educated archaeologist and how much to his ascension with the Uitsualnemetia entity is open to debate.


  • The marking on Hakuowlo's Mask means "Earth"
  • In the original 2002 version of the game, Hakuowlo enters into relationships with Eruruu, Karulau, Touka, Ulthury, and Yuzuha, spending an intimate night with each of them separately.
  • This character's name is rendered as Hakuoro in many translations, and many older fans still use that spelling. Our style guide doesn't support its use, but if you see people using it that's why!

